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The Manual:MovPattern enum is responsible for managing

Declaration[ | ]

public enum Manual:MovPattern

Members[ | ]

Fields[ | ]

  1. None
  2. JumpToPlayerEndField
  3. JumpRandomEndFront
  4. PatrolRandomEmpty
  5. MoveToRandom
  6. TeleportRandom
  7. TeleportRandomEndFront
  8. TeleportVerticalToPlayer
  9. PatrolRandomEmptyHorizontal
  10. PatrolRandomEmptyVertical
  11. PatrolRandomEmptyVerticalToPlayer
  12. DashRandomEmptyToPlayerRow
  13. PlayerHalfField
  14. Clockwise
  15. CClockwise
  16. Forward
  17. Up
  18. Down
  19. Back
  20. CClockwiseOtherEdges
  21. BounceGrid
  22. Diamond
  23. ToPlayer
  24. Ricochet
  25. ZigZag