One Step From Eden Wiki

A[ | ]

Anchor[ | ]

See AnchorAnchor

Attack Damage[ | ]

See AtkDmgAttack Damage

B[ | ]

Being[ | ]

An entity that can occupy a #Tile and has HP.

Break[ | ]

See TileBreakBreak

C[ | ]

Consume[ | ]

See ConsumeConsume

Crack[ | ]

See TileCrackCrack

D[ | ]

Deck[ | ]

Your inventory of #Spells.

Defense[ | ]

See DefenseDefense

E[ | ]

F[ | ]

Flame[ | ]

See FlameFlame

Flawless[ | ]

Flawless is rewarded to the player upon completing a Zone without taking enemy damage (with notable exception of taking damage from Violette's unavoidable). This excludes Distress zones. The player gains 2 Money-iconMoney.

Flow[ | ]

See FlowFlow, FlowFlow Cast/On Flow

Found Remains[ | ]

For completing or making it far in a given run before dying, the player is rewarded with artifacts in a subsequent run. See Found Remains

Fragile[ | ]

See FragileFragile

Frost[ | ]

See FrostFrost

G[ | ]

H[ | ]

Hallway Fight[ | ]

Community term for a non-Boss battle Zone.

Haste[ | ]

See HasteHaste

Health/HP[ | ]

See Health-iconMax HP, Health-iconHeal

I[ | ]

J[ | ]

Jam[ | ]

A Consumeconsumable spell that is obtained by various Spell or Artifact effects. It does nothing on its own but cost mana and spell slots, but the effects of the Spell or Artifact that granted you the Jam are usually strong.

See JamJam

K[ | ]

Kit[ | ]

A specific set of starting stats, weapon, artifact, and spells for a character. See the Heroes to see their kits.

Kunai[ | ]

A Consumeconsumable spell that is obtained by various Spell or Artifact effects. It is a fast, straight shot spell.

See KunaiKunai

L[ | ]

Link[ | ]

See LinkLink

Luck[ | ]

See LuckLuck

M[ | ]

Mana[ | ]

A regenerating resource needed to cast spells. If you don't have mana equal or more than the spell cost you try to use, the spell won't be cast.

See ManaMana, MaxManaMax Mana, ManaRegenMana Regen

Money[ | ]

See Money-iconMoney

N[ | ]

O[ | ]

P[ | ]

Piercing[ | ]

This spell projectile does not disappear after hitting a target, allowing it to hit multiple targets.

Poison[ | ]

See PoisonPoison

Q[ | ]

R[ | ]

Rarity[ | ]

See Rarity

Reflect[ | ]

See ReflectReflect

Relocation[ | ]

An effect that changes an entities position on the field. Not explicitly stated in the game, but many KinesysKinesys spells refer to this effect as Push, Pull, and Teleport. See RelocationRelocation

Removal[ | ]

See RemovalRemoval

Root[ | ]

See RootRoot

S[ | ]

Sera[ | ]

See Money-iconMoney

Shield[ | ]

See ShieldShield

Shuffle[ | ]

See ShuffleShuffle

SK[ | ]

Community term short for Shopkeeper.

Spell Power[ | ]

See SpellPowerSpell Power

Spell[ | ]

A action that provides an effect when used. Spell becomes unavailable after use until you shuffle.

Stack[ | ]

A resource or ailment pool totaling the amount gathered indicated by an icon and number underneath a #Being. This includes Flow, Trinity, Frost, and more.

Structure[ | ]

An entity on the field that is usually neutral and can affect both the player and enemies. Some are summoned through spells, while some are spawned at the start of a battle.

Summon[ | ]

See SummonSummon

T[ | ]

Tile[ | ]

A space on the field in which can be occupied by a being, spell attack, or environmental effect. Tiles generally are traversed in 4 directions: Up, Down, Left, Right. Some spells may travel diagonally through tiles.

Trinity[ | ]

See TrinityTrinity, TrinityCastTrinity Cast

U[ | ]

Upgrader[ | ]

See UpgraderUpgrader

V[ | ]

W[ | ]

World[ | ]

A set of themed zones with a boss at the end. The 5 worlds are Fire, Arctic, Forest, Ruins, and Eden.

X[ | ]

Y[ | ]

Z[ | ]

Zone[ | ]

A section of a #World that the player traverses through. Each zone will have a type designated by its icon.

See Zones

One Step From Eden Wiki
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