One Step From Eden Wiki
Help Shop Screen

The Shop is a zone where the Shopkeeper resides. It has a very high chance to show up once in each World, so take advantage of it when you can. Here she will sell you Spells, Artifacts, and Services for Money. She also provides Pacts for a cost.

If the player does at least 100 damage to the Shopkeeper or enters the Shop excessively (30 times), the Shopkeeper will become aggressive and a boss battle starts. If the player kills the Shopkeeper, the Shop zone no longer shows up.

Spells[ | ]

The Shopkeeper sells 2 random Spells that are removed from the Shop on purchase.

Rarity Price Dark Price Hell Pass 12+ Price Dark Hell Pass 12+ Price
Common Money-icon35 Health-icon70 Money-icon40 Health-icon80
Rare Money-icon50 Health-icon100 Money-icon58 Health-icon116
Epic Money-icon65 Health-icon130 Money-icon75 Health-icon150
Legendary Money-icon80 Health-icon160 Money-icon82 Health-icon164
Calamity Money-icon95 Health-icon190 Money-icon109 Health-icon218

Artifacts[ | ]

The Shopkeeper sells 2 random Artifacts and 1 random basic Artifacts that are removed from the Shop on purchase. The basic Artifacts are MedkitMedkit, ManaGemMana Gem, and ManaVeinMana Vein.

Rarity Price Dark Price Hell Pass 12+ Price Dark Hell Pass 12+ Price
Common Money-icon70 Health-icon140 Money-icon80 Health-icon160
Rare Money-icon90 Health-icon180 Money-icon104 Health-icon208
Epic Money-icon110 Health-icon220 Money-icon126 Health-icon252
Legendary Money-icon130 Health-icon260 Money-icon150 Health-icon300

Services[ | ]

Refresh Stock[ | ]

Shop Refresh stock

  • Cost: 30 Money-iconMoney +10 for each additional refresh. Cost resets when visiting a new Shop.
  • Effect: Removes all current Spells, Artifacts, and Pacts in the Shop and refreshes with new ones.

[ | ]

Shop Donate blood

  • Cost: 100 Health-iconHP
  • Effect: Gain 20 Money-iconMoney, with the gain decreasing every donation (20, 16, 12, 9, 7, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1). Gain resets back to 20 when visiting a new Shop.
  • The Shopkeeper prevents you from donating if you don't have enough HP.

Upgrade Spell[ | ]

Shop Upgrade spell

  • Cost: 60 Money-iconMoney +10 for each additional purchase. Cost does not reset.
  • Effect: Gain an UpgraderUpgrader. This does not count as an artifact.

Remove Spell[ | ]

Shop Remove spell

  • Cost: 65 Money-iconMoney. Once per Shop.
  • Effect: Gain an RemovalRemoval. This does not count as an artifact.

Pacts[ | ]

Pacts are challenges that immediately reward the player upon accepting them, but carry a penalty for a set amount of battles as marked on the card. The Challenges and Rewards are random upon Pact generation, but they are clearly listed on the card.

Do note that Pacts can be removed with a RemovalRemoval. This will remove the Challenge, however the player will still keep the reward. This is a very strong Strategy when it comes to Pacts that have good rewards (like Health-iconMax HP or LuckLuck) but have extremely dangerous Challenges (Sell Location or Sell Skin).

Challenges[ | ]

Take 140 damage.
ID: ChalDamage

Sacrifice 140 Health-iconHP to gain a reward, sometimes the reward can be a 150 HP, making this pact a guaranteed positive by healing 10 HP.

Lose 100 DefenseDefense. (Battles: 0/1)
ID: ChalDefense

One of the most dangerous pacts it can turn casting PinchPinch and TransfuseTransfuse as a bad idea, this pact is also noticeable against any rapid fire enemy, becoming fatal if you take all their hits at once. Fortunately it lasts for 1 battle.

Create FlameFlames on random tiles during battle. (Battles: 0/3)
ID: ChalFire

A slower and focuses ALL tiles version of StormFireFirestorm, in majority of cases this isn't problematic and it can also hurt other enemies if it drops on the enemy tile, if you have AnvilAnvil it makes this pact positive as you can gain ShieldShield when taking FlameFlame damage, same applies to enemies if you also have MoltenCoreMolten Core. Do note that it could also kill hostages!

Start battles with 9 FragileFragile. (Battles: 0/3)
ID: ChalFragile

Depending on your build, this can be useful to keep some utilities active that require FragileFragile, As an example, Doubletime Violette gains 4 SpellPowerSpell Power from taking this pact, otherwise you take 1.5x (2x MagnifyingGlassMagnifying Glass) from all sources.

Enemies have a 50% chance to fire a missile on hit. (Battles: 0/3)
ID: ChalHeat

Depending on your build, it can be the least of your concerns if you are casting hard hitting spells, otherwise the missiles can overwhelm you if you cast spells such as MinigunMinnie Gun or even SunshineSunshine, each missile deals 30 damage and homes on the tile you are currently standing on, can be dodged by simply moving when you see it spawning.

Lose 2 Money-iconMoney when you take a hit. (Battles: 0/3)
ID: ChalInsurance

Depending on how good you are at dodging, this might be the least of your concerns if chosen.

RelocationTeleport to the inverse tile when you cast a Spell. (Battles: 0/2)
ID: ChalLocation

Works similarly to ShadowShiftShadow Shift, in general a very annoying pact, never recommended to pick if you have a spam deck build.

Hit self for 5 dmg when you cast a Spell. (Battles: 0/1)
ID: ChalMagic

If you have a source of ShieldShield or BismuthBismuth it can certainly help making this pact bearable, overall it lasts for one battle making it a very trivial pact, unlike PinchPinch and TransfuseTransfuse, this pact won't instigate KineticShieldKinetic Shield.

Halved ManaRegenMana Regen. (Battles: 0/2)
ID: ChalManaRegen

Teardown Hazel, Manafire Gunner and Aria Violette have built in mana recovery making this pact trivial, otherwise halving your mana can prolong fights and lock you from unable to cast spells, this becomes noticeable in boss fights, spells like MeditateMeditate and TransfuseTransfuse can help in mana restoration.

Lose 2 MaxManaMax Mana. (Battles: 0/1)
ID: ChalMaxMana

In regular runs it will end up blocking you from casting expensive but powerful spells like RagnarokRagnarok.

Take 1 dmg every time you move. (Battles: 0/2)
ID: ChalMove

Any ShieldShield spells are essential, Reva's EschatonEschaton nullify the pact but be aware that the 1 damage is taken before receiving the 1 Shield so you need pre-established shield for this artifact to be effective, damage taken from this pact never procs KineticShieldKinetic Shield or modified by your current DefenseDefense.

ShieldShield decays quickly. (Battles: 0/2)
ID: ChalShield

Shield decaying extremely fast making most of their uses useful when perfectly timed.

Increase ShuffleShuffle Time by 4 seconds. (Battles: 0/2)
ID: ChalShuffleTime

DuelDiskDuel Disk makes this pact redundant.

Lose 30 SpellPowerSpell Power. (Battles: 0/1)
ID: ChalSpellPower

If your build capitalize on hard hitting spells then this pact will only weaken them slightly, otherwise if your build capitalize on multi-attack spells like MinigunMinnie Gun or SunshineSunshine then this pact does a massive impact, you should be careful picking this depending on build.

Swords hit your tile during battle. (Battles: 0/3)
ID: ChalSword

Every few seconds a sword drops on the tile you are currently standing, you can simply dodge it by moving the moment you see the warning sign appearing on your tile.

Lose 5 Money-iconMoney when you ShuffleShuffle. (Battles: 0/2)
ID: ChalWallet

If your build relies on shuffling or very few spells, then this pact will have a lot of impact on your Money-iconMoney, otherwise if your deck is huge then you could finish fights before even shuffling for the first time.

Rewards[ | ]

Name Reward ID
Money Gain 25 Money-iconMoney. RichesGain
Max HP Gain 150 Health-iconMax HP. MaxHPGain
Luck Gain 5 LuckLuck. LuckGain
Upgraders Gain 1 UpgraderUpgrader. UpgradeGain
Removals Gain 1 RemovalRemoval. RemovalGain
Heal Health-iconHeal 150 HP. HealGain

Dark Shop[ | ]

If players take the Dark route, the Shopkeeper will sell Artifacts and Spells in exchange for the player's Health-iconHP instead.

Shopkeeper Lines[ | ]

Event Normal Dark Playing as Shopkeeper
Entering Field
  • Wanna buy something? Just open the Deck!
  • Hey there! Check out my stuff. Just open the Deck!
  • [None.]
Opening Menu
  • Shopkeep has wares if you have coin.
  • Hi there!
  • Welcome!
  • Hey you're back!
  • Buy something!
  • Sunshine!
  • Check out my stuff!
  • See anything you like?
  • Pacts are free! Technically...
  • Would you like to Upgrade a Spell? It costs 1 extra Upgrader for each existing upgrade on a Spell!
  • Out of stock: You'll need to order more stuff.
  • Welcome...
  • It's late.
  • You again?
  • What are you up to?
  • Hurry up and buy something.
  • Right before closing... of course.
  • Out of stock: We're... sold out.
  • Let's see...
  • Hmm, what do I want?
  • Wish I had a bigger shop.
  • Out of stock: I need to order more stuff.
  • Out of stock: Like checking an empty fridge.
Buying Spells/Artifacts
  • Great choice!
  • Thanks!
  • Money!
  • Yayifications!
  • Worth it?
  • This might hurt.
  • I'll be looking out for your dead body...
  • No refunds.
  • Muahaha... ha.
  • Oof.
  • Thanks!
  • Stop hitting yourself.
  • Banana... buck!
  • I'll... replace this later!
  • Mhmm.
  • I'll be taking this.
  • Mine.
  • Actually, I'll keep this one.
  • Oops, how did this get here?
Buying Services (Upgraders/Removers)
  • Good luck!
  • You got this!
  • I guess those are for sale too.
  • You sure you don't want anything else?
  • Buy some spells too.
  • I have artifacts for sale!
  • Anything else?
  • Check out the left side of the store!
  • I can do this.
  • What a deal!
  • Easy.
Not Enough Money
  • You need more money for that!
  • You don't have enough...
  • Go away.
  • I'm broke!
  • Maybe I should've sold some of this stuff instead.
Not Enough HP
  • You need more blood for that...
  • Careful now.
  • You're running dry.
  • Your body can't afford it.
  • Hehe, you sure about that? I'd hate to kill a paying customer.
  • I need more HP first.
  • Umm...
  • Maybe not.
Donating Blood
  • You might feel a slight pinch!
  • Owch.
  • Heh.
  • Interesting choice.
  • Really?
  • *winces*
Clicking Shopkeeper
  • Poke
  • Yes.
  • No.
  • I'm... not for sale.
  • I'm not easily amused.
  • I have over 300 confirmed lines.
  • Great choice! As if i would have any bad choices.
  • Excuse me.
  • ...mhmm.
  • I think the real question is why you're letting me stab you just for a few items.
  • Make money money make money!
  • I sell to live and live to sell!
  • New stuff!
  • Restock!
  • You want more?
  • More choices!
Out of Removers
  • Sorry, I'll grab some more for you next time!
  • We're out.
  • I don't have any more of those.
Trying to restock while restocking is in progress
  • Hey, give me a minute!
  • Calm. Down.
  • Come on, come on!

Trivia[ | ]

  • "Banana... Buck" is a quote from the Arrested Development episode Top Banana.[1]
  • "I have over 300 confirmed lines." is a reference to the line "...I have over 300 confirmed kills." in the Navy Seal Copypasta meme.[2]
  • "Yayifications!" is a quote from Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale.[3]
  • "Make money money make money!" is similar to the lyrics from Make Money Money by John Reuben.[4]
  • "Shopkeep has wares if you have coin." is a reference to a line "Khajiit has wares, if you have coin." in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.[1]
  • Pressing the shuffle button while in the shop screen will cause the the shopkeeper to react mildly amused, as if it was being tickled.
One Step From Eden Wiki
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